Our stories


Our stories

Discover more about how we pioneer cutting-edge technologies that deliver the cleanest, safest and most competitive solutions to our planet’s vital power needs.

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Sustainable power,Innovation,Innovation,Sustainable power,Company announcement,Engineering and manufacturing,Sustainable power,mtu,Designed to Last,Engineering and manufacturing,UltraFan,Engine testing,Innovation,Designed to Last,Microgrids,Sustainable power,Small Modular Reactors,Tempest,Trent XWB,UltraFan,Designed to Last,Trent XWB,Aftermarket services,Designed to Last,Designed to Last,Trent XWB,Trent 700,Aftermarket services,STEM,Trent XWB,Designed to Last,STEM,LiftSystem,Artificial Intelligence,Digital,Sustainable power,Electrification,Innovation,Women in engineering,STEM,Trent 1000,Electrification,Sustainable power,Engineering and manufacturing,Designed to Last,Trent XWB,Trent 1000,Innovation,Sustainable power,mtu,Yachts,Electrification,Electric,Designed to Last,Sustainable power,Engine testing,Electrification,Early careers,Business aviation,Sustainable power,Innovation,Sustainable power,mtu,Designed to Last,Community,mtu,Sustainable power,Artificial Intelligence,Early careers,News,STEM,Designed to Last,Trent 700,Aftermarket services,Engineering and manufacturing,UltraFan,Trent 700,Designed to Last,Trent 1000,Trent 1000,Engine testing,Early careers,Early careers,Early careers,Aftermarket services,Trent 700,Trent XWB,Trent 1000,Sustainable power,mtu,mtu,Digital,Artificial Intelligence,Digital,Engineering and manufacturing,Digital,Women in engineering,Women in engineering,Digital,Early careers,STEM,Digital,Engineering and manufacturing,mtu,Electrification,Innovation,Designed to Last,Innovation,Digital,mtu,Engineering and manufacturing,Yachts,Designed to Last,Electrification,Tempest,Electrification,Innovation,Digital,Engineering and manufacturing,STEM,Innovation,Electrification,Sustainable power,mtu,Trent 1000,Sustainable power,Electrification,Business aviation,CorporateCare,Digital,Engineering and manufacturing,Engine testing,Digital,Engineering and manufacturing,Trent 1000,Trent XWB,Trent 7000,Designed to Last,Aftermarket services,mtu,Digital,Designed to Last,Aftermarket services,Digital,Women in engineering,Digital,Early careers,STEM,STEM,Trent XWB,Trent 7000,Trent 700,Trent 1000,UltraFan,Designed to Last,Aftermarket services,Community,Women in engineering,STEM,Early careers,Community,Women in engineering,STEM,Early careers,Naval,Ethics,Ethics,Ethics,mtu,Women in engineering,STEM,Aftermarket services,LiftSystem,Electrification,Innovation,Sustainable power,mtu,Designed to Last,Business aviation,Aftermarket services,Innovation,Engineering and manufacturing,Tempest,Women in engineering,Electrification,COP27,COP27,Sustainable power,Net Zero,Naval,Electrification,STEM,Community,Designed to Last,Aftermarket services,Naval,Trent 7000,Designed to Last,Naval,Digital,LiftSystem,Engineering and manufacturing,Early careers,Early careers,Electrification,Innovation,Sustainable power,Aftermarket services,Business aviation,CorporateCare,Naval,Trent XWB,Trent 1000,Sustainable power,Microgrids,Women in engineering,Engineering and manufacturing,STEM,Tempest,Innovation,Designed to Last,Electrification,Digital,Digital,Designed to Last,Innovation,Electrification,UltraFan,Pearl family,Innovation,Digital,Women in engineering,Trent XWB,Trent 1000,Trent 7000,mtu,Engineering and manufacturing,Aftermarket services,Sustainable power,Electrification,Hydrogen,Sustainable power,mtu,mtu,Sustainable power,Innovation,Innovation,Electrification,Sustainable power,Electrification,Innovation,Electrification,Electrification,Early careers,Engine testing,Engineering and manufacturing,Innovation,Sustainable power,Sustainable power,Women in engineering,Early careers,mtu,Sustainable power,Artificial Intelligence,Digital,Innovation,Sustainable power,STEM,Engineering and manufacturing,Business aviation,Aftermarket services,CorporateCare,mtu,Digital,Artificial Intelligence,STEM,Innovation,Designed to Last,mtu,Aftermarket services,Designed to Last,News,Tempest,Net Zero,Aftermarket services,Innovation,Electrification,Electrification,Innovation,Sustainable power,mtu,Trent 1000,Trent 1000,Trent 1000,Innovation,Designed to Last,STEM,Sustainable power,Innovation,Women in engineering,Women in engineering,mtu,Sustainable power,mtu,Sustainable power,Women in engineering,Electrification,Sustainable power,Engineering and manufacturing,Sustainable power,mtu,mtu,Sustainable power,UltraFan,Innovation,News,Engineering and manufacturing,Tempest,STEM,Digital,Early careers,STEM,STEM,Aftermarket services,mtu,Trent 700,Aftermarket services,mtu,Aftermarket services,Artificial Intelligence,Innovation,Designed to Last,Electrification,Sustainable power,Artificial Intelligence,Ethics,Electrification,Innovation,STEM,Digital,STEM,STEM,Innovation,Electrification,Sustainable power,Electrification,Innovation,Naval,mtu,Naval,Electrification,Naval,Electrification,STEM,Designed to Last,Artificial Intelligence,Trent 700,Aftermarket services,Engineering and manufacturing,STEM,COP27,Digital,Designed to Last,Engineering and manufacturing,Innovation,Electrification,COP27,Designed to Last,Engineering and manufacturing,Engine testing,Digital,Women in engineering,Designed to Last,Digital,Artificial Intelligence,Engineering and manufacturing,Electrification,Innovation,Designed to Last,Naval,Early careers,Designed to Last,Engineering and manufacturing,Trent XWB,Engine testing,Tempest,Electrification,Innovation,Innovation,Company announcement,Naval,mtu,Yachts,Innovation,Electrification,Sustainable power,Hydrogen,Innovation,mtu,Artificial Intelligence,Digital,Engineering and manufacturing,Innovation,Sustainable power,mtu,Trent 7000,Designed to Last,STEM,Engineering and manufacturing,Digital,Innovation,News,Business aviation,COP27,Electrification,Innovation,Sustainable power,Engineering and manufacturing,Designed to Last,Designed to Last,Engineering and manufacturing,Innovation,Engine testing,STEM,STEM,Community,STEM,Digital,Artificial Intelligence,Aftermarket services,Designed to Last,Aftermarket services,Pearl family,CorporateCare,Designed to Last,Electrification,Innovation,Designed to Last,Electrification,Innovation,Women in engineering,Women in engineering,Women in engineering,STEM,Electrification,Innovation,Designed to Last,Aftermarket services,Designed to Last,Digital,Innovation,Artificial Intelligence,Designed to Last,Electrification,Innovation,Digital,Women in engineering,Digital,Early careers,Electrification,Early careers,Aftermarket services,STEM,mtu,Trent 1000,Designed to Last,mtu,Women in engineering,STEM,Innovation,Engineering and manufacturing,Engine testing,Electrification,Sustainable power,Company announcement,COP27,Designed to Last,Business aviation,Aftermarket services,CorporateCare,Digital,Artificial Intelligence,Early careers,mtu,Engineering and manufacturing,COP27,Innovation,Designed to Last,News,Engineering and manufacturing,Digital,Digital,Early careers,STEM,Trent 1000,Digital,Innovation,Digital,Early careers,STEM,Women in engineering,Digital,Early careers,Engineering and manufacturing,Innovation,Innovation,Company announcement,Early careers,Early careers,Early careers,Early careers,Early careers,Early careers,Engineering and manufacturing,Innovation,Women in engineering,Designed to Last,Early careers,Microgrids,cyber-interviews,mtu,Microgrids,Innovation,Digital,Designed to Last,Trent XWB,Designed to Last,Sustainable power,Innovation,Naval,Naval,Electrification,Naval,STEM,Early careers,Early careers,STEM,Early careers,Aftermarket services,Naval,Digital,Engineering and manufacturing,Designed to Last,Trent XWB,STEM,Trent 1000,Trent XWB,Trent 7000,Designed to Last,STEM,Digital,Early careers,STEM,LiftSystem,Innovation,Electric,Sustainable power,Innovation,Engine testing,Artificial Intelligence,Ethics,Digital,Early careers,Women in engineering,Designed to Last,Digital,Artificial Intelligence,Women in engineering,Sustainable power,Women in engineering,Designed to Last,Engineering and manufacturing,Innovation,Electrification,mtu,Digital,Early careers,STEM,Aftermarket services,Designed to Last,Digital,Digital,Early careers,Innovation,Digital,Electrification,Sustainable power,Engineering and manufacturing,Designed to Last,UltraFan,STEM,Trent XWB,Engineering and manufacturing,Innovation,Net Zero,STEM,Designed to Last,Electrification,mtu,Naval,Trent XWB,Designed to Last,LiftSystem,Electrification,Innovation,Designed to Last,Naval,Naval,Digital,STEM,Community,Sustainable power,Naval,Electric,Innovation,Engineering and manufacturing,Designed to Last,Designed to Last,Trent XWB,Digital,STEM,Digital,Trent 700,Aftermarket services,Digital,Trent XWB,Innovation,Digital,Trent 1000,Designed to Last,Trent XWB,Designed to Last,Sustainable power,mtu,News,mtu,Hydrogen,Sustainable power,News,Trent 7000,Designed to Last,Designed to Last,Digital,Sustainable power,Trent 1000,Trent XWB,Trent 7000,Aftermarket services,Digital,Early careers,STEM,Designed to Last,Innovation,Helicopters,LiftSystem,Naval,Aftermarket services,Digital,Engineering and manufacturing,Innovation,Helicopters,LiftSystem,Naval,Aftermarket services,Digital,Engineering and manufacturing,mtu,mtu,Yachts,Engineering and manufacturing,Company announcement,Aftermarket services,Aftermarket services,Trent XWB,Aftermarket services,Trent XWB,Designed to Last,Trent 700,Designed to Last,Trent XWB,Trent XWB,Designed to Last,Trent 7000,Company announcement,Designed to Last,Designed to Last,Trent XWB,Company announcement,Engineering and manufacturing,Yachts,mtu,News,Designed to Last,Trent 700,Sustainable power,Engineering and manufacturing,mtu,Sustainable power,Yachts,Helicopters,News,Helicopters,News,LiftSystem,Electrification,Innovation,Naval,Digital,Women in engineering,Electrification,Innovation,Naval,Digital,mtu,Company announcement,Engineering and manufacturing,Naval,News,News,Women in engineering,Naval,Naval,LiftSystem,Engineering and manufacturing,COP27,Sustainable power,mtu,Digital,Electrification,Engineering and manufacturing,mtu,Microgrids,Sustainable power,Net Zero,mtu,STEM,News,STEM,Hydrogen,News,mtu,Microgrids,Sustainable power,Engineering and manufacturing,mtu,Business aviation,CorporateCare,Aftermarket services,Innovation,Space,News,STEM,Early careers,Engineering and manufacturing,Sustainable power,mtu,Company announcement,Yachts,Business aviation,Pearl family,Company announcement,Yachts,Engineering and manufacturing,Innovation,Sustainable power,mtu,Yachts,Electrification,Engineering and manufacturing,FLRAA,Aftermarket services,Business aviation,Engineering and manufacturing,mtu,Sustainable power,Yachts,Aftermarket services,Trent 700,Designed to Last,Trent 700,Aftermarket services,STEM,Small Modular Reactors,Hydrogen,Sustainable power,Early careers,News,Naval,Submarines,Engineering and manufacturing,mtu,Tempest,Engineering and manufacturing,mtu,Designed to Last,Trent 1000,UltraFan,News,Net Zero,Innovation,Novel Nuclear,Trent XWB,Trent 7000,Designed to Last,News,Designed to Last,Trent 1000,Designed to Last,Early careers,STEM,News,Submarines,Company announcement,Submarines,Designed to Last,Trent 7000,Designed to Last,Trent XWB,Designed to Last,Trent XWB,News,News,Tempest,Engineering and manufacturing,Women in engineering,Digital,Naval,Innovation,mtu,News,Engineering and manufacturing,Tempest,mtu,mtu,COP27,mtu,Women in engineering,mtu,Electrification,Sustainable power,News,Tempest,STEM,Trent XWB,Engineering and manufacturing,Designed to Last,Innovation,Digital,Tempest,STEM,STEM,STEM,STEM,Women in engineering,Engineering and manufacturing,Designed to Last,UltraFan,Innovation,Sustainable power,Business aviation,Aftermarket services,Ethics,Engineering and manufacturing,Designed to Last,UltraFan,Microgrids,Electrification,mtu,Designed to Last,Aftermarket services,mtu,Business aviation,Aftermarket services,STEM,STEM,Innovation,Small Modular Reactors,Sustainable power,Business aviation,Net Zero,STEM,Electrification,Designed to Last,Engineering and manufacturing,Early careers,Business aviation,Aftermarket services,CorporateCare,Designed to Last,Tempest,Hydrogen,STEM,Digital,Business aviation,CorporateCare,UltraFan,Designed to Last,Trent XWB,STEM,Designed to Last,STEM,Artificial Intelligence,Innovation,Electrification,Microgrids,Electrification,Designed to Last,Designed to Last,Electrification,Designed to Last,Aftermarket services,UltraFan,STEM,Sustainable power,Designed to Last,Innovation,Sustainable power,Hydrogen,Company announcement,Women in engineering,STEM,Designed to Last,UltraFan,Engine testing,Designed to Last,Trent 1000,Trent XWB,Helicopters,Designed to Last,Business aviation,Engine testing,Pearl family,Designed to Last,Designed to Last,Sustainable power,Small Modular Reactors,Women in engineering,Digital,Aftermarket services,Engineering and manufacturing,Designed to Last,Innovation,Digital,Digital,Designed to Last,Aftermarket services,Women in engineering,Trent XWB,Designed to Last,STEM,Electrification,Designed to Last,Sustainable power,STEM,Sustainable power,Digital,STEM,Digital,Designed to Last,Trent 700,Aftermarket services,Business aviation,Designed to Last,Aftermarket services,Aftermarket services,mtu,Sustainable power,Naval,Business aviation,Aftermarket services,CorporateCare,UltraFan,Company announcement,Trent 1000,Trent 1000,Trent 1000,Trent 1000,Trent 1000,Designed to Last,Trent 700,Trent XWB,Designed to Last,Trent XWB,Innovation,Electrification,Trent XWB,Designed to Last,Designed to Last,Trent 1000,Trent 7000,Electrification,Engineering and manufacturing,Innovation,Sustainable power,mtu,Trent 700,Designed to Last,Innovation,Electrification,mtu,Tempest,Sustainable power,Innovation,UltraFan,UltraFan,Trent XWB,Designed to Last,mtu,STEM,Sustainable power,Artificial Intelligence,STEM,Artificial Intelligence,Ethics,Digital,Digital,Designed to Last,Aftermarket services,Company announcement,Designed to 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Reading time
Celebrating 30 years of Rolls-Royce Trent engines that are Designed to Last Building precision into the Series 4000 engine My apprenticeship got me here – Stan AI and International Business - Our new future talent programme My apprenticeship got me here – Cassie A parent’s view #NAW25 Apprenticeships for all Intelligent borescope method Uninterruptible power for the pharmaceutical industry Showcasing the UK’s sovereign combat air capabilities Planet vs. Plastics: How we’re celebrating Earth Day 2024 Reaching new heights with the Trent XWB-84 Enhanced Performance Improving the world's most reliable widebody engine Supporting the UK capacity market 60 years in Japan FCAS launches sustainability strategy Propulsion technology to unlock Urban Air Mobility’s full potential Battery storage systems key to the energy transition The multi-tasker that loves to be tested Boosting remanufacturing for a sustainable industry Leading quantum computing software development Rolls-Royce’s FutureWorks: Pioneering digital innovation in aerospace manufacturing Turning food waste to biogas fuel with mtu CHP modules Taking the speed of maintenance to the next level Creating a space where everyone belongs Customer feature: AirTanker How to kick-start your career at Rolls-Royce Inspiring the engineers of tomorrow Rolls-Royce Bristol team wins inclusivity award Rolls-Royce welcomes the UK Prime Minister to Bristol site Remarkable archaeological findings unearthed at Rolls-Royce Bristol Bridge-to-propeller: a single source for marine engine solutions GCAP takes strides at Farnborough Airshow 2024 Manufacturing underway on UK’s crewed combat air demonstrator – the first of its kind in 40 years Rolls-Royce ready to deliver as FLRAA achieves Milestone B Rolls-Royce UltraFan team wins gold at RAeS Trent XWB family surpasses 20 million flying hours: and it’s just the beginning Pride: Coming out at work Trent: Delivering continuous improvement A more robust Trent XWB-97 in the Middle East Nurturing the next generation of electrical engineers Celebrating INWED 2024 What does family mean to you? Celebrating families Emergency power for Europe’s offshore wind farms Accelerating progress on International Women’s Day 2024 Apprentice Lillie – National Apprentice Week 2024 Rolls-Royce welcomes announcement of UK’s commitment to nuclear growth Battery energy storage systems ensuring green power Megan Collins – Engineering Degree Apprentice Apprentices Kate & Rahma - National Apprentice Week 2024 Microgrid solutions to support the UK supply chain Powering high-speed ferries on Lake Constance Rolls-Royce starts new set of ground-breaking hydrogen research tests Sustainable fuel for the decarbonisation of Business Aviation Rolls-Royce welcomes trilateral GCAP treaty COP28: a COP of delivery An exciting new chapter for the
Trent 1000
Rolls-Royce supports Cranfield University contract for Team Tempest Supply Chain study A new milestone for Urban Air Mobility Rolls-Royce welcomes Cathay’s order of six Trent XWB-97 powered A350F Rolls-Royce improves efficiency and carbon footprint of industrial laundry’s energy system with mtu microgrid Differentiation through scaling Rolls-Royce extends sponsorship of Technology Lab for young people in Friedrichshafen Rolls-Royce unveils Space Micro-Reactor model for Moon exploration Rolls-Royce Trent 1000 engines power Virgin Atlantic’s world first 100% Sustainable Aviation Fuel flight from London Heathrow to New York JFK Rolls-Royce and Ethiopian Airlines sign a Memorandum of Understanding for a TotalCare maintenance agreement covering 22 Trent XWB engines Rolls-Royce and EGYPTAIR sign a Memorandum of Understanding for a TotalCare maintenance agreement covering 20 Trent XWB-84 engines Rolls-Royce welcomes Emirates’ order of 15 Trent XWB-84 powered A350-900s Rolls-Royce and Air Mauritius sign a Memorandum of Understanding for a TotalCare maintenance agreement covering six Trent XWB-84 engines Rolls-Royce ensures sustainable EV charging at Shell Recharge stations in Singapore with mtu battery systems A Statement by the Chief Technology Officers of seven of the world’s major aviation manufacturers Software research accelerates future combat aircraft air power capability Transforming Rolls-Royce for the better Total peace of mind with Rolls-Royce CorporateCare Enhanced Rolls-Royce signs agreement to provide maintenance services to Amazon Global Air’s fleet of Trent 700 powered Airbus A330-300s Rolls-Royce apprentice recognised at Made in the South West Awards Rolls-Royce Renews TotalCare Service Contract for Trent 700 Engines with Saudia Rolls-Royce welcomes Australia's Deputy Prime Minister and UK Defence Secretary to Derby as part of AUKUS preparations Rolls-Royce presents new mtu bridge and propeller solutions in Cannes Rolls-Royce agrees MissionCareTM support for French Air Force tanker Rolls-Royce supports mission critical data center power in Japan with mtu emergency gensets Business Aviation’s best engine support network is growing Ten years of award-winning service for Rolls-Royce Business Aviation customers Rolls-Royce mtu engines number one for fast ferries Rolls-Royce delivers first mtu Series 199 PowerPacks for M10 Booker Combat Vehicle Program Rolls-Royce and ZF cooperate on integrated pod propulsion systems for yachts Rolls-Royce supplies mtu engines for new fast ferries in Abu Dhabi Rolls-Royce presents new mtu bridge and propeller solutions in Cannes World Mental Health Day – Meet our Global Mental Health Champions Biogas: a clean energy future for industry Immediate contribution to the energy transition: new mtu biogas gensets from Rolls-Royce Rolls-Royce SMR selected in GBN competition saying: ‘now let’s move at pace to secure the first order’ Leila: Excellence through Adversity How does our Production Test Facility work? Rolls-Royce hydrogen research project sets new world industry first with key milestone success Rolls-Royce and Zero Petroleum join forces to develop sustainable future Rolls-Royce releases mtu Series 2000 and 4000 yacht engines for sustainable fuels Rolls-Royce introduces first UK-assembled mtu 8V 199 engine Halunder Jet now safer and more efficient – thanks to NautIQ Rolls-Royce Pearl 700 engine receives FAA type certification and prepares for the upcoming entry into service Rolls-Royce Honored with Air Force Association Chairman's Award for Aerospace Education UK hydrogen alliance established to accelerate zero carbon aviation and bring an £34bn* annual benefit to the country From linear to circular BAESL, Rolls-Royce and Air China's Joint Venture MRO facility, breaks ground in Beijing, China Veteran careers: James Delivering on our Sustainable Aviation Fuel commitments “I had to pinch myself” 2022 to 2024 Schools Prize finalists confirmed World first 100% SAF transatlantic flight taxis closer to takeoff Jet Zero strategy – one year on Rolls-Royce Nuclear Skills Academy celebrates end of first academic year Rolls-Royce and Ethiopian Airlines sign TotalCare agreement for Trent XWB engines mtu Kinetic PowerPack from Rolls-Royce approved for renewable diesel Rolls-Royce acquires yacht bridge and automation specialist Team Italia Series 4000 – power in versatility A sustainable future for combustion engines Assembly Skills Academy – Innovative learning so our Fitters can be their best Pride Month – Emma Rolls-Royce officially opens €30m mtu combustion engine assembly plant in Germany Celebrating our Armed Forces International Women in Engineering Day 2023 Rolls-Royce and Kuwait Airways sign TotalCare agreement for the airline’s fleet of Trent 7000 engines Rolls-Royce welcomes Avolon’s decision to extend its Trent 7000-powered A330neo fleet Rolls-Royce welcomes Air Niugini as new Trent 1000 customer following selection of TotalCare Services at Paris Air Show Rolls-Royce and Egyptair sign TotalCare agreement extension for Trent 700 engines Rolls-Royce and Tunisair sign TotalCare agreement extension for Trent 700 engines Rolls-Royce Submarines to create jobs and expand site in Derby Pride Month – Nick Helping autonomous underwater vehicles map the ocean floor Pride Month - Bethany Rolls-Royce and Kuwait Airways sign TotalCare agreement for the airline’s fleet of Trent 7000 engines Rolls-Royce welcomes Air Algérie as a new customer Insert title text here Rolls-Royce Pride Rolls-Royce launches CorporateCare® Flex, a new power-as-a-service solution for business aviation customers Rolls-Royce reinforces services network for its growing CorporateCare® customer base at this week’s European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition (EBACE) in Geneva, Switzerland Rolls-Royce and Philippine Airlines sign TotalCare agreement for Trent XWB-97 engines Rolls-Royce Launches Lunar Ambitions at Space Symposium Teamwork to test if the hydrogen dream works Reliable off-grid power supply Rolls-Royce awarded second contract to supply mtu generator sets for U.S. Navy frigate program UK Space Agency backs Rolls-Royce nuclear power for Moon exploration Giving marine engines a longer life Embracing equity on International Women’s Day Rolls-Royce announces two additions to FIRST Network of authorized global support providers Rolls-Royce announces 2023 FIRST Network Quality Award winners What’s new for the Trent 7000? Building a Sustainable Future for Global Defence Operations Celebrating the success of the FFX II naval programme The AE engine – the story behind the military aircraft engine The only new generation high thrust engine in service One step closer to climate-neutral aviation Innovating with Microsoft Power Platform to drive efficiencies Meet the apprentices - Lequesha Gonsalves Meet the Apprentices: Patrick Challen Quantum computing Meet the apprentices - Ariana Ahmed Adapting combustion for the energy transition Rolls-Royce welcomes Air France-KLM’s order of four Rolls-Royce Trent XWB-97 powered Airbus A350F, to modernise cargo carrier Martinair, part of KLM Group Rolls-Royce Submarines launches Nuclear Skills Academy in the House of Lords Fuelling transport and industry with HVO Rolls-Royce and Sunseeker continue partnership on mtu yacht propulsion and automation solutions Orpheus: radicalising ways of working Delivering value through innovation Supporting Chile’s energy transition A 5-minute chat with Marcin Dutka We develop careers, not just engineers How We Are Revolutionising Power for Combat Air Systems Enabling smart energy systems with AI Being included: International Day of People With Disabilities Securing a sustainable future Looking back, looking ahead COP27: Showing up in Sharm Japan’s Advanced Air Mobility future Rolls-Royce Defence Sustainability - A natural fit Elephant in the room:
Can aviation meet Net Zero?
A new generation of yacht propulsion Reducing CO2 emissions by up to 90% with HVO "Green methanol" will power innovative mtu marine engines Royal Academy of Engineering fellowship for two Rolls-Royce experts The potential of the small modular reactor What will the ship of the future run on? Flying together for 75 years Delivering an advanced services solution for Advanced Air Mobility Dealing with imposter syndrome – Mark International Non-Binary People’s Day Helping hybrid-electric flight go further “I have learned you are never too small to make a difference” Hydrogen electrolysis on a grand scale We’re working on the right technologies Pride Month Demonstrating the power of microgrids Duisburg container terminal goes climate-neutral A complete solution for advanced air mobility Drilling the way to more sustainable energy Defence Supplier Conference 2022 Why fuel cells are key for energy-intensive data centres How airlines are becoming more agile through cargo Three ways flexing your fleet will give your airline the edge The sustainable energy start-up going beyond access An airline industry in transition Faster, cleaner, smarter core washing Safety critical power for Vienna’s underground Delivering Marine Gas Turbine Generators for over 50 years Trondheim site celebrates 25 years of operation Helping guide AI ethics in oncology and beyond Celebrating International Women’s Day Colour Considerations for the User Interface Five Minutes with JetBlue Our people, Laura-Jane Douch Risk Management in the COVID-19 Climate Securing power supplies in Nigeria Fuelling a greener maritime industry Powering electric commuter aircraft We’re one of the best employers for LGBTQ+ inclusion A milestone in hybrid-electric flight Pioneering the advancement of rail decarbonisation I will always be me Meet the apprentices: Sophie Trantor When data stood up to be counted Meet the apprentices: Andy Zubcyk Meet the apprentices: Harshani Dhanda Million milestone for the efficiency leader Electrifying potential Over a Century of Pioneering Spirit Insert title text here City Airbus demonstrates our ambitions to power the Urban Air Mobility market Life on the edge A next step in electrification – commuter aircraft Celebrating Nipuni – breaking the stereotype Paving the way towards an electrifying future for air travel COP26: All eyes on Glasgow Leading the transition to net zero on a global stage How do you fly 300 miles per hour with no fuel in the tank? Updated AI ethics toolkit publishing in December Family first. Colm’s experience of paternity leave First flight of the Spirit of Innovation First passenger journey in the UK with mtu Hybrid PowerPack How can Rolls-Royce Defence contribute to Net Zero ambitions? Our sustainable digital transformation SAR kit allows mtu engine rollover Pride Month – Sue’s story International Women in Engineering Day 2021 Pride Month - Jake’s story Our sustainability journey 1000 Trent XWBs and Counting Fuel cells & the quest for green power We stand together - one year on A new era in our learning culture Winning designs for our test pilot’s helmet for all-electric world record attempt Tomorrow's power grid in the Norwegian Sea Embracing neurodiversity Reduce. Reuse. Recycle. We’ve only just begun From potatoes to power Harnessing the power of AI to deliver more Intelligent Engine inspections E-fuels powering a climate-neutral future Powering our customers further than ever before Powering next generation Naval Defence capabilities Rolls-Royce: A natural partner in India’s self-reliance journey Electrical team readies for its biggest power challenge Leading the way in customer training "Mighty” MT30 Marine Gas Turbine successfully achieves full power at highest rating yet Introducing TwinAlytix® Over a Century of Pioneering Spirit Rolls-Royce plays leading role in the Eurofighter Typhoon bid for Finland’s Future Fighter aircraft programme The long range aircraft making the world a smaller place Rolls-Royce at DSEI 2021 Turning waste into green electricity Jason’s experience as an Army National Guard reservist Closing the gap: The route to 100% aircraft availability A new start – with SAF How AI scales up IoT capability in turbofan jet engines Tempest - Revolutionary air power and propulsion system Can jet engine tests help COVID-19 research? 18 hours non-stop and counting Trent 700 powers more A330 types than any other engine Rolls-Royce Electrical - A year on from acquiring Siemens eAircraft The aircraft defying the downturn Celebrating UK Black History Month The demand for new energy solutions Rebecca: ADHD & me Turning passenger aircraft into freighters Teachers said I was arrogant and lazy Picture this – a new way of supporting customers Project Engineer and Bipolar Ironman Apprentice Ben on having an unseen disability Team Tempest Rock star – Rory’s volcanic research recognised with award The H Factor Designing the future: 10 ways to net zero Building the world’s fastest all-electric aircraft Our Artificial Intelligence heritage Trent XWB in focus Exploring sustainable supersonic flight Air Force Association has announced the new National Teacher of the Year Building ACCEL sustainably Design the Engine of the Future competition winners Nicky advocates Digital Academy The World Challenge Club Welcome to the future Returning to the skies High Power, High Scalability, Hybrid Powertrain Electric technology takes to the skies again Preparing your kids for tomorrow's world Sustainable aviation fuel explained Meet our talented women in engineering International Women in Engineering Day 2020 Gennie steps up to support Rolls-Royce employee and Blood Biker provides support to the NHS Behind the scenes of the ventilator challenge Zero AOG milestone reached Delivering Dedicated Global Customer Support Collaboration between industry and medicine Trent XWB in focus We proudly support IDAHOBIT Keeping hospitals running Celebrating International Women in Engineering Day together with STEM partner Girlguiding Richard’s return from furlough Mark rediscovers long division Pester Power vs. Parental Resilience Ensuring 24/7 availability Ben’s Welcome to Helping you Prepare Caroline’s Welcome to Helping you Prepare Why we launched Helping you Prepare We can’t get it right for everyone… Meet Karim, COVID-Escape Creator Providing critical help to our frontline My office is an airport Meet our VentilatorChallengeUK team How we’re tackling the ventilator challenge Rolls-Royce – Powering North America Rolls-Royce – Powering the United States for more than 100 years Providing power in a pandemic Protecting the NHS World Health Day Caring for customers & their vital missions to combat COVID-19 Inside a socially-distanced factory VentilatorChallengeUK Consortium Young Aviators & STEM programme with iFly Aviation – Uganda Unnati – Scholarship Programme for Women Engineering Students – India CREATE Education & #RollsRoyceSTEM Competition winner This is a Cyber First World Sustained community contributions and increased STEM reach during 2019 STEM Day at The Royal School for the Deaf Derby Post USAIRE Student Awards seminar STEM Ambassadors in action with the RRD-LEGO Robots Inspiring and equipping students to tackle bullying - UK International Women’s Day: how we’re helping to build a more balanced world Flying cleaner Boost an engine’s IQ, reduce emissions The making of a vision How aviation supports communities in crisis Engine preservation plan provides runway for smooth take-off Time machines fighting COVID-19 How the aviation industry is rising to new challenges How to test a jet engine Ingenious minds think alike Aircraft transitions in 2019 – full year market commentary Step inside our factory of the future 10 facts about our incredible new testbed IntelligentEngine: our vision for the future of aircraft power IntelligentEngine: our vision for the future of aircraft power HMNZS AOTEAROA How to install the “Mighty” MT30 Evolution, where art meets STEM to create performance! UK Encouraging youth at “Passport to Hi Tech” in North America Technology from here to there - Germany USAIRE at Paris Air Show - France Inspiring Next Generation Talent in Japan New Scientist Live 2019 - UK Indy RAGE – North America STEM Care Package – China Rolls-Royce Singapore and Boeing collaborate to support Women in STEM The art of STE-A-M history defining moments - UK Here come the girls! - UK 5th grade pupils get to see the world of aero engines in Germany Girlguiding membership magazine features Riona Armesmith - UK Hosting students in Singapore as part of Aerospace Day 2019 Catalyst Hack Island-hopping on batteries The snakes and bugs helping you go on holiday R2 Data Labs use innovative ways of working to find industrial solutions Ship of the Year 2020 15 years of 24/7/365 at the Airline Aircraft Availability Centre Powering the Nation’s Flagships The world’s most powerful flying generator Supporting our fleet growth The Trent XWB: let me count the ways Bringing the electric aero revolution to large aircraft Inside the x-ray bunker Smarter Factories: embracing digitalisation Trent 1000 Package C ETOPS improvement Successful instrumentation & control upgrade at Loviisa UK and Italian industry to partner on Tempest Rolls-Royce at DSEI 2019 Rolls-Royce Defence in Australia Rolls-Royce Defence in Japan Meet the brilliant minds in the fellowship To the limit: how Rolls-Royce readies its engines for extreme environments Inside the mind of an inventor Washington product intelligence Cancelling cancellations Trent 1000 TEN powers EGYPTAIR’s first Sustainable Aviation Fuelled flight Making the impossible a reality Successfully disconnected New China Southern Airlines A350-900 powered by Rolls-Royce Trent XWB The Intelligent Testbed Striving for gold Meet the robots UltraFan – an engine design that sets new standards – continues its progress How Digital Twin technology can enhance Aviation The flight that changed history Pushing the boundaries of what’s possible through virtual reality Cyclone Idai 5 ways the Trent XWB changed civil aviation 50 years of STOVL H1 2019 Aircraft Transitions Update Q1 2019 Aircraft Transitions Update Milestone moments: how the Trent XWB broke the long-haul record Certified for Stage V Powering ANA’s sea turtle of the skies First Trent 1000 engines with new Package C blade back in service Delta TechOps partnership continues to benefit Trent 1000 programme A new challenge, a blank sheet of paper and a tight deadline 2018 review: transitions market commentary 40 years of outstanding performance Ultra-Reliable Trent XWB-97 soars through first year in service First Trent 1000 with new Package C blade ready to return to service New test cell ready for the Power of Trent A volcanic ash cloud with a silver lining Intelligent Engine Health Monitoring Supporting time machines Peaking out with 3 world records Pioneering a powerful partnership with India Pioneering the development of CMCs The future of engine maintenance Trent XWB reaches three million engine flying hours Hybrid propulsion for ships Trent 1000 new Package C blade certified Anatomy of a solution: how our testbed helps advancements take flight Faster internet in the Arctic The power of data and partnership Trent 1000 Package C update Trent 1000 operational response Virtual Reality engine design becomes reality Powering the future Microgrids RoPax complete systems Brewing grows with the flow Blue sky thinking Celebrating an icon of the RAF fleet MT30 - Powering through its first decade Weather data What makes the IntelligentEngine tick Finnishing school Finnishing school Finnishing school Cutting edge medical technology and smart engine maintenance Can big business innovate like a start-up? Can the UK lead the digitisation of manufacturing? Introducing Intelligent Insights Mission Bay Handling System The perfect blend The next generation of aviation The M250 – a model engine Cost versus capability in electric naval ships A century of pioneering Electrifying Future Technology HMS Queen Elizabeth sea trials Naval ship intelligence More power for US Navy's DDG-51 destroyers Harbour power system for Abel Matutues HMS Queen Elizabeth sails into history Propelling the U.S Coast Guard Powering world's most advanced Naval ship Generation Aerospace The future of flight Encouraging speaking up Project Sunshine Young Women in Engineering Revert TotalCare® Taking care Cutting edge of Naval technology What will fuel tomorrow? Electrification Introducing ACCEL Pioneers in 3-D Printing Maximising value from data Future of flight No runway, no problem Minimising our impact Inside COP26 What will future mission-critical power solutions look like? From welding to data with Code First Girls and Rolls-Royce From challenge comes change Celebrating US Black History Month Pioneering Power Using AI to solve everyday challenges in Africa Our AI ethics breakthrough stems from our strong safety culture Our first Global Virtual Digital Expo Trans Day of Remembrance Trans Day of Remembrance We remember. A message from Tom Bell, President, Defence Celebrating UK Black History Month The day I snuck into the Engineering career fair... Becoming a digital human Ethical AI in operational practice How secure is the Internet of Things? Learning to speak machine Diversity drives initiative; initiative inspires excellence Making a difference Supporting young minds to remain connected to subjects that have the power to transform lives How being a STEM Ambassador helps develop different skills High Flyers workshop Launching STEM at Leicester Islamic Academy STEM Outreach Experiences in the Community The importance of STEM in innovation The impact of COVID-19 on our business My Experience of being a STEM Ambassador at Rolls-Royce Helping to protect against radiation Putting the science into ice-cream Data for good The greatest challenge for air travel There has never been a greater challenge to humankind A breakthrough in artificial intelligence ethics and trust Defence in India From dreams to awards Defence in India Women in Defence Ramping up capacity to fix the fleet Fixing the fleet, Innovating our business Building the best team to fix the fleet A global network to fix the fleet Combat Air Technology - Tempest Driving leadership Our Rolls-Royce Reservist Taking the apprenticeship route Degree apprenticeship or university? Pioneering on an IT apprenticeship IT careers for Graduates Think Agile – Scrum Masters Becoming a trusted IT advisor IT careers – Solution Subject Matter Expert How our IT function is evolving Helping to protect us from the bad guys Changing the game for girls in STEM The importance of role models The geeks changing lives Being a STEM Ambassador Being a STEM Ambassador Enhancing CorporateCare Being a STEM Ambassador Clean, Green and Efficient The big chill Putting the Squared in R2 Data Labs Enabling the Energy Transition My intern experience…Jason Sia Remarkable Trent 7000 SWARM robots The E-Fan X partnership UltraFan update World-class performance Promoting inclusion Testing environments Using data to reduce flight delays The social network for engines Conrad Banks on future fighter technology A day in the life of … Harmeet Kaur The E-Fan X programme The power of collaboration Richard Goodhead on 3 entry into service milestones in 12 months Hybrid propulsion for naval vessels ALECSys Lean Burn Combustor How R2 Data Labs supports the IntelligentEngine Introducing the IntelligentEngine Taming the volcano Neil Crockett on launching R2 Data Labs Caroline Gorski on building a data innovation ecosystem Thomas Lee-Warren on how R2 Data Labs unleashes value Mark Goodhind on how R2 Data Labs creates value through data innovation Dominic Horwood on a year of firsts John Kelly on the Customer Service Centre Network Neil Crockett on digital transformation John Mason on Bloodhound SSC Dr Glenn Kelly on our partnership with the IAF Dave Hogan on components testing Damian Whatmough on naval gas turbines Tony Williams on the HMS Queen Elizabeth Alan Newby on the future of flight Justin Hale on the success of the Boeing 787-10 aircraft Jodie Howlett on Rolls-Royce's student opportunities Lara Small on The Telegraph’s Top 50 Women in Engineering Mustafa Kheraluwala on being a rising star Dr Daniel Chatterjee on MTU’s Green & High-Tech programme Steve Kerry on our Ethics programme Tim Busfield on the changing landscape of data at Rolls-Royce Serena Zoppellari on working with big data Our apprentices on life at Rolls-Royce International Women’s Day Carina Leonhardt on problem solving Bicky Bhangu on building a digital ecosystem Akhilesh Singh on flying for the Indian Airforce’s aerobatic team Chris Cholerton on Defence Aerospace services Dr Glenn Kelly on Defence Aerospace in India Strengthening our capabilities in India Patrick Regis on Turkey’s economic transformation Bicky Bhangu on driving innovation Stephen Friedrich on our CorporateCare services Jürgen Blassmann on hybrid rail powerpacks Tom Palmer on data driven aviation Simon Burr on the future of engine design Richard Goodhead on connecting with customers Chris Cholerton on the LiftSystem Tom Palmer on digitally enabled services Deniz Öztürk on aero engine testing Paul O’Neil on Rolls-Royce in Germany Neil Mantle on 3D printing David Campbell on the apprentice programme Matt Kite on the Trent 1000 programme Phil Harris on Customer services Dave Gordon on the unique LiftSystem Simon Burr on the high powered Trent XWB-97 Bobby Janagan on Rolls-Royce Partners Finance

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