Technology from here to there - Germany


Great fun for everyone involved

Sven Schrape and Selina Mihalyi held their first STEM Ambassador event at Grundschule Rangsdorf.


Technology - from here to there” was the subject of the day, on which the pupils were given insights in the logistics of transport and production. After a general introduction to the subject and a round of questions, the real fun began when each of the children started building their own "wind-up can". The children were quite inquisitive to find out how they could improve the design and functionality to make the cans roll faster and further.

After jointly doing a "cable car experiment" where they had to build a cable car to get different items across a “gorge” in a basket, the children started with the construction of a marble trail. Within the framework of given boundary conditions, the marble trail would be built as creatively as possible using a wide variety of materials.

As always, time was far too short to carry out all the experiments our STEM ambassadors had set up. But nevertheless, it was again great fun for everyone involved.

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