Meet the apprentices - Ariana Ahmed


Introduce yourself:

Hi, my name is Ariana Ahmed, I’m in my second year of my Advanced Maintenance Apprenticeship.

Why did the apprenticeship appeal to you?

To be able to have the opportunity to expand the knowledge I have on my passion whilst earning is just a win win for me!

What are the benefits of an apprenticeship?

With my apprenticeship one thing I love is that no day is the same. When I work on different machinery, I have a sense of pride when I know what I’m doing. When there is a problem that I maybe haven’t come across before I’m just eager to learn more! On a more general basis, apprenticeships are great if you have an idea of what you want to be in the future. There are so many opportunities available. What drew me to a Rolls-Royce apprenticeship was the endless opportunities to further myself. For example, along with Derby, Rolls-Royce have many different sites all around the world. So, to be able to know that these opportunities are available helps encourage me to always try my best.

Proudest achievement at work?

I got to be in a documentary with (former CEO) Warren East!

Most challenging part of an apprenticeship?

The transition from moving from one place to another will always be challenging especially when it is from school straight to a place of work. The adjustment will be difficult at first but with the right support and guidance you will fit right in!

What do you love about your location?

After living in Derby my whole life, I have become really fond of it. I would love to travel and see the world, but this is my home. Everyone is super friendly, welcoming, and for those who don’t drive everything is all in walking distance and/or via public transport.

Any tips or advice to anyone considering an apprenticeship?

The main advice that I would like to pass on is that you should not let anything hold you back. Whether that is because you are from an ethnic minority, you are a woman or just different and don’t fit in to the typical stereotype of an ‘engineer’ never let anything stop you from furthering your knowledge and progressing an aspiration or reaching your goal.

To learn more about our apprenticeships in the UK click here.

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