New Scientist Live 2019 - UK


Renowned as being the greatest UK science festival, New Scientist Live 2019 was held at London ExCel on Thursday 10th to Sunday 13th October 2019.

Enjoyed by 40,186 children, professionals, families and science lovers, it was amazing to see how this event engaged those of all ages. Businesses showcased their products, with live stage shows and presentations in arenas covering humans, cosmos, engineering and technology. The arena held over 120 talks to packed out audiences and there were over 150 exhibits that had fun activities and experiences to participate in.

Game changing technology with inspirational content

We partnered up with The CREATE Education Project who bring together game changing technology with inspirational content and creative minds.

They provide FREE resources and support to introduce and embed 3D Printing in schools, including professional development, lesson resources, projects, ideas and a FREE 3D Printer Loan scheme. The partnership worked well as Rolls-Royce aim to inspire tomorrow’s pioneer’s looking at how engines work, demonstrating parts of the engines

we have designed, raising the awareness of the potential career options we have, and how 3D printing is utilised so that it can be used throughout the business.

We ran a competition during the event, with the prize of an Ultimaker 2+ 3D printer and a tour of the RR Derby Heritage Centre and Apprentice Workshop to help to try to encourage 3D printing while further inspiring within Rolls-Royce.

The collaboration worked extremely well and the stand was the best we had to date.

"I really enjoyed the event and thought it was great to see how it had developed from last year. It was also great to work with the CREATE Education team and demonstrate the 3D printing challenges they run in schools to encourage kids to get into STEM!"

John Greenhough, Hannah Millichamp, Debbie Duro

Our great team of STEM Ambassadors

Hannah Millichamp, Debbie Duro, John Greenhough, Jialin Wang, Judith Lesowiec, Janice Leung, Rupesh Mishra, Neil Chattle
Each and every member having their stories to tell, inspiring tomorrow’s pioneers.

There was a steady flow of visitors at the stand, and an inquisitive set of children that enjoyed what we had on show. Throughout the show we regularly tweeted to ensure the maximum audience was reached.

An inspirational event

"This event provided me a great opportunity to share Rolls-Royce products and engine operating knowledge to children, their parents and students who have interest in Rolls-Royce and potentially to work in an engineering industry for future. It also showed how we incorporate 3D printing technology into STEM activities. I was glad to share my knowledge not only engine theory but also 3D printing to a young generation to make them more interested in an engineering world."
Jialin Wang

"It was a great opportunity to represent Rolls-Royce at the NSL and I especially enjoyed showing the exhibits to the children and families. The CREATE team and RR team were all a real pleasure to work with!"
Judith Lesowiec

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