Being a STEM Ambassador


I’m Kendall, I live in Derby, and I am currently on the Defence Higher Engineering Apprenticeship scheme at Rolls-Royce.

I’m Kendall, I live in Derby, and I am currently on the Defence Higher Engineering Apprenticeship scheme at Rolls-Royce.

I am part of the Electrical Controls & Instrumentation team and through my apprenticeship I am working towards becoming a Controls Engineer. The world is becoming increasingly reliant on electrical power so I feel incredibly well placed to be involved in the future of both Defence at Rolls Royce and the electrification of our world. The most enjoyable part of my role is the vast array of technologies I have the opportunity to work with, and the most satisfying part is that on a daily basis I witness my contribution to real world engineering.

As an apprentice and a STEM Ambassador, we are given the opportunity to be involved in the Big Bang Fair. The most exciting aspect of this, like every year I have attended, has to be the buzz in the air generated by the current and future Scientists, Technologists, Engineers and Mathematicians. The engagement and passion of the individuals is truly inspiring and demonstrates that the future of STEM is bright.

The most exciting Rolls-Royce innovation in my eyes has to be the electrification projects that are being developed. Whether it is electrifying existing technologies or producing concepts for new technologies, Rolls-Royce is leading the way.

Diversity and inclusion in science and engineering is incredibly important to me and my colleagues at Rolls-Royce. Science and engineering encompasses individuals with different backgrounds, skillsets and experiences and unites them in a way that enables Rolls-Royce to provide world leading technology and engineering products. During my apprenticeship I have worked with thousands of people that have widened my view of engineering and the world as a whole whilst making me feel an included and valued member of the team.