We develop and deliver complex power and propulsion solutions for safety-critical applications in the air, at sea and on land.
Our products and service packages enable our customers to connect people, societies, cultures and economies together.
Products & Services
We develop and deliver complex power and propulsion solutions.
For more than 100 years we have been at the forefront of innovation. Helping to power, protect and connect the modern world.
Create your future with us
Help us deliver better power for our changing world.
Doing more with less
We have a fundamental role in meeting the environmental and societal opportunities and challenges that the world faces.
Rolls-Royce Half Year results
Rolls-Royce announced Half Year results on Thursday 1 August 2024.
View Press release
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Measuring our progress
Reporting on the issues that are most important to our business
We measure and report about the impacts of our business operations and activities. This reporting is informed by our materiality assessment and the needs and expectations of our external stakeholders.
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We develop our reporting around the issues that we believe have the highest level of importance for our stakeholders, and the greatest potential impact on Rolls-Royce.
Our goal is to be a leading sustainable business. We have established a dashboard of stretching targets to measure and accelerate progress.
View our targets dashboard