We develop and deliver complex power and propulsion solutions for safety-critical applications in the air, at sea and on land.
Our products and service packages enable our customers to connect people, societies, cultures and economies together.
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We develop and deliver complex power and propulsion solutions.
For more than 100 years we have been at the forefront of innovation. Helping to power, protect and connect the modern world.
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Rolls-Royce Half Year results
Rolls-Royce announced Half Year results on Thursday 1 August 2024.
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Accelerating progress
In 2015 we introduced a suite of stretching operational targets, baselined on our 2014 performance. These will help manage risk and reduce cost in our operations.
Reduce energy use in our operations and facilities by 50%, normalised by revenue
Target to 2025, excluding product test and development Externally assured.
Ambition to achieve a GrandMean in Gallup’s top quartile (75th percentile) for large manufacturing companies by the end of 2023
Target to 2023 Externally Assured
Achieve zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in our operations and facilities by 2030
Progress to date
Target to 2030, excluding product test and development Externally assured.
Achieve a Total Reportable Injury (TRI) rate of 0.33 per 100 employees by 2025
Current Performance
Target to 2025Externally assured
Inspire 25 million of tomorrow’s pioneers by 2030
Target to 2030Externally assured
Reduce total solid and liquid waste in our operations and facilities by 25%, normalised by revenue
Target to 2025 Includes hazardous waste and excludes catering waste, demolition/ construction waste and disposal of surplus equipment. Externally assured
Increase the recycling and recovery rate to 68% by 2025 whilst maintaining zero non-hazardous waste to landfill
Current performance
Target to 2025 Excludes demolition/ construction waste and disposal of surplus equipment Externally Assured
We measure and report about the impacts of our business operations and activities. This reporting is informed by our materiality assessment and the needs and expectations of our external stakeholders.
View our performance data charts