Our Rolls-Royce Reservist


Tell us about your job at Rolls-Royce

I am a Manufacturing Engineering Programme Manager. I’m technically responsible for increasing the rate output of the Trent 700 Civil engine programme by making the repair and overhaul process more efficient.

Tell us about your work in the Reserves

I am a Captain in the Royal Engineers, one of the Corps of the British Army.

I am currently the Second in Command for the new intake of ~100 Officer Cadets (OCdts) into the Bristol University Officer Training Corps.

The OCdts are all university students who have chosen to develop as military personnel whilst completing their studies.

I am also qualified as a Royal Engineer Search Advisor, where if deployed I would lead search activity to find Improvised Explosive Devices – one of the capabilities of the Royal Engineers.

Tell us why you became a Reservist and why it is important to you

It was as simple as walking around Freshers Fair and being inspired by what the Army could offer in terms of training whilst I was at university.

What made me stay in the Reserves after university was the continuation of both leadership and personal development programmes with the Royal Engineers.

Since commissioning at the Royal Military Academy, Sandhurst, I have been responsible for developing a Troop of Royal Engineer Soldiers, which could be up to 30 people. This combines both professional guidance for their careers and military direction during field exercises.

Simultaneously I was able to experience adventure training, far beyond what I could have afforded to do. Aside from general AT such as canoeing, hillwalking and climbing, I have also experienced skeleton bobsleighing, sky dived 20 times and qualified as a ski instructor. I also raced motorbikes with the Army Road Racing Team which was a fantastic opportunity to mix my other passion, motorbikes.

How does Rolls-Royce support your work in the Reserves

Rolls-Royce offer 10 days military leave for the annual commitment Reservists have to complete 14 days of consecutive training.

This is a fantastic commitment to Reservists as we don’t need to sacrifice our holidays to serve. 

My line management have also been very helpful in supporting the rare circumstances that I need to perform military duties during work hours. Working in Rolls-Royce Defence is also a natural conduit to understanding military duties; the Bristol site delivers power systems to ensure mission critical capability to air and sea platforms.