Trans Day of Remembrance


To honour this day, Chloe reflects on what Trans Day of Remembrance means to her.

“Trans Day of Remembrance is important to me for a few reasons, but a couple of those reasons stand out the most. Firstly, it’s important as a historical record of the reality of the suffering that transgender people face worldwide, for no other reason than their gender identity. It is crucial to both be aware of and to officially mark that suffering, so that it can be evidentially recognised as an urgent societal issue.

Secondly, it is important as a tool to communicate to those who may otherwise be oblivious to the suffering and hatred faced by transgender people, so that future steps can be taken against it, and so that allies can understand the facts and the crucial role they play in fighting transphobia. We all need reminding every once in a while that what we do, or even don’t do, has a profound impact on the world and people around us.”

Rolls-Royce are proud to have signed up to Trans Rights Are Human Rights alongside many of our UK-based customers and partners, in support of trans equality in the UK. Everybody has the right to be themselves without fear and we are honoured to support our trans colleagues, employees and customers globally. Thank you to our colleagues for sharing their reflections.

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