“We will provide integrated systems to our customers, together with an appropriate selection of propulsion modes that are easy to operate,” Knut Müller explained. “This is something we are quite capable of doing as a result of decades of experience in system integration and with the aid of our Blue Vision New Generation Hybrid automation system,” Müller added.
The systems will be offered in a variety of power ranges to suit individual customer requirements. In 2020, systems incorporating mtu Series 2000 engines combined with one or two electric motors per power train each with 150 kW of electrical output, will be launched and will cover a power range of between approximately 1,000 and 2,200 kilowatts per power train. In 2021, mtu will then extend its portfolio to add hybrid systems based on the power delivered by mtu Series 4000 engines and as many as four electric motors, each with 150 kW of electrical output, and will cover a power range of between approximately 1,000 and 4,000 kilowatts per powertrain.