Battery energy storage systems ensuring green power


For grid operators, battery energy storage systems are key to ensuring reliable power generation when harnessing renewable energy. With demand for sustainable solutions growing, they offer efficient means to store energy derived from renewable sources like solar and wind.

Today, our mtu EnergyPacks are delivering dependable battery energy system storage in the Seychelles, where rising sea levels and increasingly extreme weather events threaten the existence of their small island idyll.

Our mtu battery energy storage system

How our battery energy storage systems work

Energy storage systems are integral to modern power distribution networks, providing a reliable and efficient solution for storing energy and delivering it when required. They store the energy from an energy source such as photovoltaic (PV) panels or wind turbines in batteries for later use.

They help address the intermittent nature of renewable energy sources by balancing supply and demand, ensuring a stable and reliable flow of electricity, thereby enhancing grid stability and reducing strain on the electrical infrastructure.

"The Seychelles, with its many hours of sunshine and exposed location, is the ideal location for photovoltaic systems and wind turbines," says Alexander Wahlig, Senior Systems Engineer at Rolls-Royce. But even in the island paradise, the sun does not always shine, and the wind does not always blow. This leads to fluctuations in electricity production which put stress on the power generators and utility grid. "And that's where our mtu EnergyPacks come in.”

Supporting renewable energy

The island nation relies on green energy from a 50,000 square metre solar park and five wind turbines each near the capital Victoria on Mahé. Altogether, they ensure that seven million kilowatt hours of green electricity are generated every year – enough to power around 2,000 households.

With an output of 5,100 kVA and a storage capacity of 3,363 kWh, our mtu EnergyPacks ensure that the fluctuations in power generation are balanced, and the security of supply is increased.

Ensuring grid stability with our mtu microgrid controller

A microgrid controller sits at the heart of our mtu system to monitor the power generated by the PV system and the wind turbines. As soon as levels fluctuate, the EnergyPacks are charged or discharged to compensate. This increases reliability for the grid operator and makes it much easier to control the fossil-fuelled generators.

Dr Laurent Sam of Public Utilities Corporation, the grid operator in Seychelles explains: "With the mtu EnergyPacks, the generated power of the solar power plant gains significantly in reliability for us. They ensure that the power supply on the island remains stable and thus form the backbone of our green energy production.”

Our mtu EnergyPacks can also compensate for unexpected frequency fluctuations within milliseconds if a generator unexpectedly fails or a part of the grid unexpectedly disconnects due to a fault.

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