

Introducing the CareStore

We recognise that different operators have different requirements throughout a product’s lifecycle and these can best be satisfied via a wide range of flexible and innovative services. Our CareStore is here to help customers view our service offerings which aim to keep their engines generating maximum value for as long as they have them.

Some of our services are now available for registered customers to purchase online through our Marketplace.


Our Services

Services for Airlines

Our CareServices and Service Solutions for Airline customers offer choice and flexibility across the product lifecycle.

TotalCare® Life

Under TotalCare® Life, you pay a known $/efh rate for as long as you operate the engine (subject to a minimum term). There is no fixed expiry date for the service and so you are covered for as long as you operate the engine. The $/efh rate reflects the true cost of engine maintenance (off-wing) throughout the period of operation; so if you choose, mid-way between overhauls, to sell the aircraft to another operator, who also chooses TotalCare®, your contributions already made towards the next overhaul are transferred to the new operator. This enables you to sell the engine for a higher price. This structure is fully aligned with the needs of engine lessors and can avoid the requirement to pay maintenance (off-wing) reserves.

TotalCare® Term

With TotalCare® Term, the $/efh rate you pay only funds the shop visits that are expected to occur during the length of the agreement. This means that if the term ends midway between shop visits, you will not have made any contribution towards the engine life used since the last shop visit. This enables a lower $/efh rate, which is attractive during the term of the agreement, but also means that either a higher $/efh rate will be charged for any follow-on agreement or that the engine re-sale value may be less.


Long-term shop visit cost risk transfer with the flexibility to select additional services.

Foundation Services

These are short-term, event-based services that we can provide for you, without the need for a long-term services contract.

Services for Lessors

Our CareServices and Service Solutions for Lessor customers offer choice and flexibility across the product lifecycle, delivered through our capable and competitive service network.


LessorCare is a pioneering new service designed specifically for lessor customers. By drawing together a range of services under one comprehensive framework, LessorCare gives you access to a simple but flexible service offering, while allowing you the opportunity to adapt the level of service through the life of the engine.

Foundation Services

These are short-term, event-based services that we can provide for you, without the need for a long-term services contract.

Services for Business Aviation

Delivering comprehensive and innovative Care

CorporateCare® Enhanced

For over 20 years CorporateCare® has provided our business aviation customers with outstanding peace of mind by protecting them from unforeseen costs and unscheduled events worldwide. This comprehensive, fixed-cost engine maintenance management plan has consistently enhanced asset value and increased liquidity, maintaining its leading position in the business aviation industry.

Services for non-operators

Delivering for appraisers, consultants, parts trader, overhaul shops and more

Foundation Services

These are short-term, event-based services that we can provide for you, without the need for a long-term services contract.

Additional Services

Technical Solutions (TVs)

Request formal technical solutions from our engineering team. May include Technical Variances (TV), repair schemes or other documentation.

Technical Solutions (TVs)

Provision of technical solutions by our engineering team. Where appropriate, this could include Technical Variances (TV), repair schemes or other amendments to technical documentation.

This service is available for all Trent and RB211 engines. Solutions may be requested by operators, lessors or maintenance facilities.

Operation and maintenance procedures and limits for Rolls-Royce engines are governed by the appropriate technical publications. These are complex machines, operating in complex environments, and there may be occassions where additional technical solutions are needed to maintain continued airworthiness, support performance or reliability. Such solutions can avoid expensive shop visits or unexpected work at overhaul. Examples may include authorisation to exceed published wear limits on a component, or to develop a repair scheme.

Solutions may be published as a Technical Variance (TV), Repair Scheme or as part of regular Engine Manual updates, depending on the operational requirements.

Click 'Purchase' to request a Technical Solution. Rolls-Royce will review requests for Technical Solutions upon receipt and agree a course of action with the requestor. It should be noted that the service fee is for engineering analysis - if that concludes that a solution is not possible, the application fee remains payable.


Engine Management Programme

Request access to the Engine Management Programme (EMP) advisory document to optimise maintenance of your engine.

Engine Management Programme

This service is available for all Trent, RB211-524G/H and RB211-535E4 engines.

The EMP is an advisory document that provides recommendations for engine maintenance at check & repair, refurbishmement and overhaul shop visits, as well as line maintenance activities. It is based on fleetwide service experience and is intended to optimise maintenance for both reliabilty and cost.

The document is available free of charge to Foundation Service customers.


Spare Parts

Purchase genuine spare parts for Rolls-Royce engines.

Spare Parts

This service is available for all Trent and RB211 engines.

Spare parts are available for line maintenance, repair and overhaul.
All parts sold are genuine new components for Rolls-Royce engines delivered directly from the Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM).

After creating a Spares Ordering account, customers can place orders at any time using our on-line portal.

Click “Purchase” to apply for your Spares Ordering account.


Spare Engine Services

Request a Rolls-Royce lease engine. Long or short-term, planned and emergency spare engine leasing services are available.

Spare Engine Services

We can provide long or short-term, planned and emergency spare engine leasing, either via dedicated spare engines or via access to shared engine pools.

This service is available for all Trent engines.

Rolls-Royce is able to offer a choice of engine leasing services to suit the requirements of individual customers.

Spare Engine Pool Access provides a spare engines to customers on a short term emergency basis on the rare occassions that they are needed to keep aircraft flying.

Non-Dedicated Spare Engine Service provides additional reassurance. Spare engines are made available for lease when a customer's own spare engine holding fall below a pre-agreed level.

Long term Dedicated Spare Engine Leases are available as an alternative to, or in combination with, direct purchase of spare engines.

Click 'Purchase' to discuss your requirements and request a quotation.


Technical Publications

Access to Time Limits Manual, Operating Instructions, Service Bulletins. Repair and Maintenance Manuals packages also available.

Technical Publications

Provision of the Time Limits Manual, Operating Instructions, Service Bulletins and Notice to Operators. Additional technical data may be provided on request, subject to additional charges.

This service is available for all Trent and RB211 engines.

Technical Publications provide information to enable authorised owners and maintenance providers to safely operate, maintain and repair Rolls-Royce engines.

Technical publications are available to view on-line.

There are three packages available. Click 'Purchase' to view and select your package.

Line maintenance data is communicated to operators via the Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM), which is provided by the aircframer and not included in this service.


Engine Health Monitoring

Analysing data from every engine and every flight to recommend optimised maintenance, and achieve the best possible engine availability.

Engine Health Monitoring

We analyse the data from every engine and every flight using cutting-edge digital technology and our extensive technical knowledge. We provide recommendations to optimise maintenance to achieve the best possible engine availability.

This service is available for all RB211 and Trent engines.

We analyse the data recorded and transmitted by engines and aircraft every flight using cutting-edge digital technology and our extensive technical knowledge of Rolls-Royce engines. We detect any abnormalities in the data, diagnose the cause and provide timely recommendations directly to operators to optimise maintenance and achieve the best possible engine availability.

Only Rolls-Royce has the design expertise and fleetwide data for our engines to provide the high detection rates and low false alert rates demonstrated by our EHM service.

Customers are able to interrogate their data using an intuitive desktop toolset.

Click 'Purchase' to request a quotation and be guided through the set-up process.


Customer Training

Standard or bespoke training courses, delivered either at your location or at Rolls-Royce facilities by skilled training personnel.

Customer Training

Our skilled training personnel are ready to provide you with standard or bespoke training courses, delivered either at your location or at our facilities.

This service is available for all Trent engines.

With over 340+ years of experience, the Rolls-Royce customer training team has delivered over 4500 training days to over 53 different airlines. The Rolls-Royce training department offers customers high standard training courses for their mechanics, engineers, planners, instructors and management team.

Training courses offered include:

General Familiarisation 2 Days
Targeted at personnel who require an overview of Trent Engines. It provides an understanding of the engine configuration, Line Replaceable Units (LRU’s) and operation of the engine systems.

Line and Base Maintenance 8 Days
Aimed at all personnel involved in engine maintenance activity. It goes beyond General Familiarisation to include: practical training for line maintenance tasks such as removal and installation of LRUs, and procedures to inspect and troubleshoot faults.

Borescope Inspection 2 Days
A course for personnel whose role may involve internal inspecting any Trent Engine.

  • Practical engine borescope training using a dedicated training engine.
  • Identification and description of scheduled, and non-scheduled borescope inspections.
  • Description of limits and standard damage terminology whilst referencing the Aircraft Maintenance Manual (AMM).

Trent XWB Engine Separation 8 Days
Learn how to seperate the Trent XWB for transportation, including tutor-led practical training in our training workshop.

Trent XWB Engine Separation Virtual Reality Training 5 Days
A refresher for the Trent XWB Engine Seperation, using innovative virtual reality technology so that it can be delivered at a location most convenient to you.

Click 'Purchase' to contact our Customer Training team for more information or to book a course.


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If you cannot find the service you require, please complete the form below to make an enquiry.

Rolls-Royce and IATA services statement

We have signed a joint statement with the International Air Transport Association (IATA) that reaffirms our ongoing commitment to maintaining an open and competitive approach to our MRO services.

The document was finalised after several months of productive and collaborative dialogue on industry best practice in the MRO space.

Both organisations are aligned on four key principles that underpin our approach to our MRO network and are included in the official statement:

1. Rolls-Royce does not prevent the development of legitimate non-OEM parts or non-OEM repairs by MRO providers, as long as they are approved by the appropriate airworthiness regulator:

2. Rolls-Royce's policy is to grant airlines, lessors or MRO providers non-discriminatory access to OEM parts, repairs and support (including access to Rolls-Royce Care);

3. Rolls-Royce does not discriminate against airlines, lessors or MRO providers that use non-OEM parts or repairs;

4. Rolls-Royce will not insist that airlines or lessors subscribe to Rolls-Royce services.


Read the IATA - Rolls-Royce Statement