Wherever aircraft are currently parked and for whatever duration, we have established an efficient solution for engine inspections and customer care. Extraordinary times have called for increasing and evolving the use of the new digital tools we had already pioneered as part of the IntelligentEngine vision.
Many businesses have had a steep learning curve in identifying methods to allow successful remote working, but we had already been using a new collaboration tool where still pictures and video imagery from a probe inside the engine can be shared between a customer and our engineering teams. It is ideal for times when one of our specialist Rolls-Royce engineers cannot be on site, allowing customers to continue to benefit from our teams’ expertise remotely.
Whilst it is difficult to predict when airlines will fully return to the skies, our dedicated engineers both at the ACC and in the company’s network of Customer Regional Teams remain fully accessible throughout. The same level of support will remain on hand to offer guidance on the critical issue of engine de-preservation and re-entry into service once conditions allow.