mtu EnergetIQ for a wide range of applications - from data centers to microgrids
The mtu EnergetIQ Plant Manager is part of the new automation ecosystem, mtu EnergetIQ. As an intelligent controller, it optimizes the performance of distributed energy resources, such as solar, CHP and battery storage, to meet the specific needs of the application from generation to consumption. mtu EnergetIQ is used in a wide range of applications - from data centers to microgrids.
What is a microgrid?
A microgrid is a combination of two or more distributed energy sources connected by a smart controller. Microgrids can combine cogeneration plants, diesel and gas gensets, and renewable sources with batteries and other new technologies. All elements are coupled together in an intelligent energy management system that can optimize energy use technically, commercially, and ecologically. The benefits of microgrids are energy independence, reliability, efficiency and decarbonization. A microgrid is able to operate in parallel with, and supplemental to the grid supply and can also operate off-grid.