Looking forward, Rolls-Royce is taking its levels of Trent 1000 customer service further through a variety of measures.
Firstly, we have increased spare engine availability – most of our customers now have additional engines in their fleets, giving them more flexibility and security against operational disruption.
We are also continuing to progress the introduction of our technical solutions – all of which have been designed and tested on a fast-track basis – into the Trent 1000 fleet to make it more durable in service. These modifications include the Intermediate Pressure Turbine (IPT) blade, Intermediate Pressure Compressor (IPC) blade and High Pressure Turbine (HPT) blade.
An improved IPT blade is available for all Trent 1000 engine packages and has been incorporated into more than 99 per cent of the flying fleet.
Redesigned IPC blades are being incorporated into Trent 1000 TEN and Package C engines, with the Package B redesign becoming available in Q4 2020. The IPC blade roll programme is slated for completion by the end of 2021 on Trent 1000 TEN and Package C.
Enhanced HPT blade designs are available for the Package B and C, and over 50 percent of that fleet has been brought up to the new standard. The remaining enhancement modification required on the Trent 1000 TEN, the final durability issue to be fixed, is currently undergoing an endurance test following a rigorous root cause investigation and design process. We are now over three-quarters of the way through this test and remain on track for its incorporation into the fleet by the end of H1 2021.