STEM Day at The Royal School for the Deaf Derby


Rolls-Royce’s robot that can complete a Rubik’s Cube in less than a minute was one of the activities we held on a day designed to celebrate World Computing Week.

As well as operating the Rubik’s Cube Solver, children were also given award-winning coding robots, called Ozobots, to try out.

Each robot is about the size of a golf ball and follows the lines drawn by the students on white paper. If the pupil changes the colour of the line it changes the Ozobots’ movement or behaviour. We also worked with a problem-solving computer programme called Sugar and robot model building and designing.

One of the pupils said, “it’s been a brilliant day and the best bit was watching the Rubik’s Cube robot working. It scans where all the coloured squares are and then tells you how many moves it’s going to take to solve it.”