Unity will enable improved focus on simplification and efficiency and better outcomes for the UK Royal Navy. It represents a significant undertaking and investment by the UK government and industry, providing thousands of highly skilled jobs across the country and an enduring commitment for the decades ahead. This is truly a national endeavour.
Rolls-Royce designs, builds and maintains all of the nuclear reactors that power the Royal Navy’s fleet of submarines. This eight-year Unity contract is worth circa £9 billion and will provide full support of the in-service UK Royal Navy submarine fleet throughout the period. It also includes continued support of the build and commission of Dreadnought Class submarines and the beginning of the previously announced SSN-AUKUS contracts.
The contract is the first of its kind awarded by the UK MoD and is the culmination of years of planning between Rolls-Royce and UK MoD, potentially creating a new way of doing business between Government and industry. It signposts the UK’s commitment to the continuous at sea nuclear deterrent and Rolls-Royce’s continuing dedication to the UK Royal Navy and the Defence Nuclear Enterprise.
With a long-term commitment across the Rolls-Royce Submarine programmes, Unity draws together current and upcoming work into one portfolio. It is designed to incentivise an even more collaborative working relationship between Rolls-Royce and the UK MoD.