Our global governance framework sets out how we govern our business, manage risk and opportunity, reward appropriately and maintain consistent operating standards across the Group. Our approach to managing risks related to modern slavery including forced labour, child labour and human trafficking, is embedded within that.
Our policies cover our commitment to ensure human rights standards are met globally and help make sure our suppliers uphold similar standards. We seek to take relevant legislation and the views of internal and external stakeholders into account in the development of any Group level policy. Any proposed new Group policy or revisions to an existing policy is subject to review and approval by the General Counsel, and where relevant the Board of Directors, as well as subject to review by elected employee representatives.
Our approach to addressing all forms of modern slavery is embedded within a series of policies, including our Human Rights policy.
Our Code underpins all that we do as a company by setting out our principles and how they apply to our business activities. It applies to all employees, our subsidiaries and controlled joint ventures, wherever they are located. We encourage our non-controlled joint ventures to adopt the principles of our Code and will only work with partners who demonstrate the same commitment to high standards of ethical conduct.
Our Code is supported by our Group policies, which are embedded in Our Code (https://ourcode.rolls-royce.com). Our Human Rights policy sits within this and sets out our commitment to respect the human rights of our employees and those working on our behalf through core labour standards. The policy draws from broader people-related policies, including our Dignity and Respect policy; Health, Safety and Environment (HSE} policy; Diversity and Inclusion policy. Additionally, an internal immigration policy; and relocation policy is applied in certain entities.
All employees are required to adhere to our Code and Group policies, in addition to any specific local requirements. Our employee performance management processes include an assessment of how individuals embody our company values, behaviours and ethical conduct.
We extend our sustainability expectations and ethical principles to our suppliers and partners through our Supplier Code. In order to do business together, we expect all suppliers to be ethical, responsible and to fully comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Our Supplier Code sets out the behaviours, practices and standards we expect our suppliers to demonstrate and comply with, all of which are based on our own Rolls-Royce Code, policies and standards. Selected suppliers are contractually required to adhere to this or a mutually agreed alternative.
Our policies are made available to employees in English and our core business languages. These can be accessed externally through Our Code and Group polices dedicated microsite (https://ourcode.rolls-royce.com) and supporting mobile application, and internally through our employee intranet. Some specific elements of our Group policies, such as individual contact details or internal references, may be redacted from the externally published versions, primarily for security or privacy reasons. Our policies and business conduct expectations are a core part of our employee on-boarding and induction experience, as well as employee learning and development activities.
Our Supplier Code is publicly available in multiple languages to support our global supply chain, it is published on our company website as well as our dedicated supplier management and communication portals, including invoicing channels.