

Optimising propulsion efficiency for naval platforms

Our expertise in designing and developing propellers around a large range of requirements spans more than 50 years.

Our Controllable Pitch, Fixed Pitch and Fixed Bolted Pitch options all ensure excellent hydrodynamic efficiency supporting overall vessel performance and stealth characteristics - perfected for naval operations.

Power, Robustness, Reliability

Successful and well-proven across the globe, our propellers are designed for robustness, reliability and efficiency, ensuring excellent cavitation performance as well as low vibration, noise levels and excellent fuel efficiency.

Our Controllable Pitch Propellers feature customised blade designs fully adapted to the ship’s wake. Designed to facilitate underwater blade change out, they are available for standard speeds (below 30 knots) and high speeds (above 30 knots).

Designed with ultimate stealth characteristics, our Fixed Pitch Propellers can be optimised to suppress cavitation, permitting high propulsive efficiency; vital characteristics for anti-submarine warfare.

For applications such as ice-breakers, our Fixed Bolted Propellers facilitate the option of individual blade change-out. With the option to bolt blades from inside the hub significant noise reduction can be achieved, ideal for fishery platforms.

Our Waterjets are specialised for naval applications and can be built for special requirements such as signature, shock etc. 

The U.S. Navy’s Littoral Combat Ship Freedom-variant features four of our advanced Axial Mk1 waterjets, each rated to absorb 22MW of power.

The underlying design of the Rolls-Royce Axial Mk1 waterjet has also been scaled for other research and development activity within the U.S. Navy including Sealion, the Special Operations test craft and for the X-Class USV program MUSCL.

Shock tested up to US military specifications

Fulfilling naval and military requirements including vibration and air control
Successful and well-proven designs in operation

Over 500 Controllable Pitch Propellers supplied to US Coast Guard and US Navy.

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Naval Portfolio
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Hybrid Power & Propulsion
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